(This is Part 3 of a 3-part series on getting more out of your marketing data)
In this series on effectively using marketing data, we have focused on the importance of Dynamics ISVs using key types of data to create and promote content to attract prospects—ensuring that those prospects will easily find and consume it. So, what happens next?
Most basically, the proof in the pudding is how well your targeting has turned out…or whether you might need to adjust your targeting or content subject matter. For example, if your target market is CFOs of small and mid-size companies in the U.S. and Europe, you could be thrown off if you are suddenly attracting substantial numbers of IT people from large corporations in Asia.
For most Dynamics ISVs, this targeting process and the frequent fine-turning that is required is the most demanding part of the data marketing process. Just to complicate the process further, it may not be a simple matter to determine how well your targeting is working out – just because you can’t easily determine who is accessing your content. Data from large platforms like YouTube and Instagram, for example, will give you raw numbers on views (on YouTube) or likes (on Instagram), but no information on who the readers are and their buying preferences.
However, if you’re using an outlet like MSDynamicsWorld.com (MSDW), you receive key demographic information about each prospect who consumes your videos, white papers, webcasts, and other content – making it a quick and easy matter to determine if your content is reaching the right audience, or not. Fine-tuning becomes much less of a guessing game because it is based on real data provided to you by MSDW.
Based on the content consumption habits of your prospects, the data will tell you how well your targeting is working – whether you are attracting the specific prospects you know are most likely to buy. Most important, if you find your targeting is off, and you are attracting too many of the wrong prospects, you can adjust the content and the content mix you provide.
The more of your content your prospects consume, the more data you can extract in order to put together a complete 360-degree view of your prospects to continue telling them your story. Because as a marketer, that’s really what you are, a storyteller. Prospects have told you their story by the data they’ve given you during the content consumption process. And, in turn, you can use that information to educate them and tell them more about how you can help them. It’s a symbiotic relationship that is fused by data.
As you assemble your own data about which content is generating certain types of leads and which leads are most likely to close, you are then able to take the process full circle: You can pull it all together to help map out an annual data-based content marketing strategy, so your content creation and content marketing engines never stop. Think of your entire digital content initiatives as one big perpetual motion machine that is always working to generate the best and most productive sales leads. It’s designed to continuously create brand awareness, deliver thought leadership, and generate targeted sales leads. As the content consumption needs of your prospects evolve, it’s important to constantly reassess and adjust your strategy to meet those needs.